Thursday, February 12, 2009

Is This Beneath Me?

I had to check twice because I honestly can't believe I would include this topic in my 100 things to write about, but here it goes: wood floors vs. carpet. Apparently, I like to argue with myself about things that on the surface seem innocent, but if you know any good euphemisms, suddenly become dangerous territory. Whatever page you're on, read ahead with your own context. I can't control it anyway.

There are pros and cons to both types of flooring. Wood floors are often buff and pristine; carpets are warm and fuzzy. Wood floors threaten to splinter; carpets trap unwanted pet hair. Wood floors collect dust; carpets fade with age. Cleaning either one of them poses challenges, but it's widely believed that wood floors are easier. What do you really have to do other then wipe it down and oil it every now and then? Carpeting, the shaggier it is the more crumbs you'll find. You can't really get the job done without a vacuum. And if you spill something on it, chances are you'll have a stain. Spill something on a wood floor and the dog will take care of it - easy peasy! Personally, I prefer wood floors because once you install them, they are easier to maintain and I believe they look more modern. They come in a variety of shades that will match any set of drapes. There's nothing worse than having to try to match your carpet to your curtains. Usually too many variables there to satisfy all parties involved. I like walking into a house with wood floors, especially one that doesn't have a lot of rugs. I mean, a rug here and there is okay, but the whole point of a wood floor is to showcase the beauty and splendor of the wood itself. Why are you masquing it with a toupee? I think sometimes people believe wood floors are cold so they go with carpeting instead. Carpeting does warm up a home, no question. And if you like all the colors of the rainbow, carpeting can take you there in a heartbeat. I've seen a lot of carpet in my day, and there's no question it can be somewhat overwhelming in terms of selection (and at times, price), but the payoff is there when you finally squish your toes in it. You can't squish your toes in a wood floor.

Ultimately, there are a lot of great things about having either one beneath you. To each his own, I guess, but I like things clean and simple. I can't afford it right this instant, but mark my words, I will have a wood floor someday. And it will be the buffest ever!

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